Sometimes, it can be hard to tell the difference between longboard and skateboard, but there are differences. Skateboards are typically shorter than longboards, which makes them easier to turn. They can “cradle” through corners, while a longer board requires more turning force.
Additionally, skateboards have clear directional preferences. The wheels on a skateboard are all mounted on a steel axle, allowing for more turning force.
Measurement Difference
Skateboards use soft wheels because hard wheels provide less traction, which results in decreased control at higher speeds and helps initiate slides more easily than any other wheel type. Longboards use hard wheels for speed and control at higher speeds.
Like skateboards, longboard wheels are measured by diameter and durometer (how hard the wheels are). For example, 27.5″ x 80a or 70mm x 52mm wheels would be considered mid-sized cruiser/commuter wheels that will roll over small cracks in sidewalks and imperfections in the pavement, so they’re good for smooth surfaces but not rough terrain.
Another common wheel type is 75mm diameter wheels with 82a durometer, which are stiffer than the previous, so they provide more grip when carving corners on rougher roads but aren’t as fast or smooth-rolling because it takes a lot of effort to get them going fast enough for downhill speed slides.
Wheels can vary from around 20mm all the way up to 100mm and come in a range of different shapes like square-lipped, rounded and beveled.

Another major difference Between Skateboard and Longboard is the weight capacity aboard. Skateboards have smaller decks so they can support fewer pounds of pressure from the rider’s foot.
This makes them better suited for tricks and balancing on one foot but not good for pushing around or commuting because you can’t put your feet parallel to your body, which means that the center of gravity is on top of the board instead of below it.
Longboards typically weigh more than skateboards, and some even weigh over fifty pounds! Because longboards are larger and heavier, they’re great for things like pushing around town, cruising downhills fast, and even downhill racing.
Some boards in the longboard style weigh more than one hundred and fifty pounds! The weight and size of longboards make them work well for sliding and drifting. Many riders use longboards to commute to work or school because they’re much more practical than skateboards when walking.
Skateboards often use large, soft wheels to allow for quick rotation. This is another reason that they can corner well. A longboard also uses softer wheels, but the wheels are much larger and harder than those found on a skateboard.
In addition, there are no bearings in a longboard wheel. It’s possible to put bearings into a longboard wheel, but most don’t bother because it doesn’t affect the board’s functionality. Additionally, skateboards typically have set directional preferences while longboards do not.
Skateboards typically only turn one way, so riders usually push and ride exclusively forward or backward and don’t change their direction. Longboards can turn in either direction, allowing riders to switch back and forth while cruising downhill. In this way, longboards are more maneuverable than skateboards.
Skateboard vs Longboard: Which One Is Cheaper?
The price of a skateboard depends on the quality and material. In general, a good skateboard will cost from $30 to $80 or so. In addition to the deck, trucks, wheels, bearings, and hardware affect its price.
The best longboards can range from $100 to over $500. Longboards have larger decks than standard skateboards. They also tend to be heavier due to bigger wheels and construction materials used in making them, whereas a standard size is 7″ wide x 30″.

Longboards offer more stability, making them ideal for cruising along curbs and going over rougher ground. In addition, it grips better on surfaces because of its wider wheelbase design than a regular skateboard not designed for such purposes.
So, the price for a good quality skateboard with these features is around $80 to $100. A longboard may cost you up to $500 if the craftsmanship and quality are good. Some boards go for as low as $50, but they are mostly made of cheap construction materials and do not last long.
These can be bought in sports stores, on Amazon or eBay, where one can get a variety of decks to choose from at lower prices ranging from about $30 to higher-end ones going for around 50% more depending on their construction and design specifications. We have covered this topic in detail in our blog post How Much Does a Good Skateboard Cost? You can check it as well.
An inexpensive regular skateboard would be ideal for beginners who want something that will allow them flexibility in terms of maneuverability without spending too much. In contrast, seasoned riders who want something more durable for longboard purposes will be better off with a high-quality product.
Stability Difference
Longboards are typically significantly less stable when going fast than skateboards even though they’re bigger because they lack cocktails, allowing you to ollie up onto them from your feet instead of jumping on from the front as you do with a skateboard.
Also, because their trucks aren’t mounted to the board in nearly as many spots as a skateboard’s they can have more flex which throws off your balance even more than a skateboard would.
So it’s a lot harder to balance and control a longboard going fast, which makes them more challenging for beginners. One place where longboards tend to be much better suited for beginners is sliding/grinding because soft wheels provide way more grip than hard wheels when sideways pressure is applied.
The reason is that your weight digs into the wheel’s soft urethane, creating a larger contact patch with the road surface, making it easier to initiate slides and hold them longer while carving around turns at speed…not to mention how they won’t chatter out on you while doing so.
Mounting: Skateboard vs. Longboard
Mounting options also play an important role in what kinds of tricks and speed slides newbies can do with their boards. For example, some skateboards have some degree of noise, and tail kicks allow you to climb onto them from your feet, but many don’t.

This makes tricks like the ollie, kickflip, and heelflip more difficult because they require both feet to jump on through the center of the board.
On top of that, some boards have flush mounts, which means there’s no space between their truck holes and road surface, so if you dig a rail into it with your toe side trucks, all you’re going to do is catch an edge and eat shit.
Even boards with nose/tail kick typically only have a single or double mount at each end, making sliding at speed more difficult since those areas will flex away from the road surface when lateral pressure is applied.
History Difference
Skateboarding was invented to emulate surfing but riding a board on land has different dynamics than surfing the waves, which is where “sidewalk surfin’” came from.
Since skateboarding debuted, many people have taken this sport further by making their boards at home with wood or using 3D printers to make plastic boards that replicate classic shapes like high-pops and cocktails.

Longboarding began in Hawaii with surfers who didn’t want to paddle back out to the waves, so they would sit on their boards and push themselves along the asphalt until they were close enough to start riding.
And while it did require more effort than paddling, longboarding offered a lot of advantages over surfing.
For example, longboarders didn’t have to compete for waves or wait for them because they could ride up the beach and catch one whenever it was available. Also, longboarders didn’t have anyone elbowing them out of position when a wave came because there wasn’t anyone else around-they were by themselves!
Even today, longboarding is done much differently from skateboarding, but the biggest difference is how the rider sits on the board. Most longboarders ride with their front foot near or touching the tip of the nose and their back foot in or near their back truck’s axle.
Their knees are usually bent to absorb bumps and make it easier to turn quickly while riding downhill. This way, when they’re going fast, if they need to turn suddenly, they can push down with one foot and steer by shifting their weight, so they don’t lose momentum and go off course.
Skateboard vs Longboard: Which Is Best For Beginners?
Typically Longboards (depending on the design) tend to be more stable and easier for beginners to learn new tricks with because they’re longer and wider than most skateboards so it’s harder to accidentally step off or catch an edge on your toe/heel side.
Also, many have kicktails at both ends which makes them even easier to learn as you can just stand on the board as normal instead of having to jump all the way onto it from a running start.
On top of that, some even have concave over their entire deck which helps lock the rider’s feet into place while riding, allowing for more stability and control.
Larger wheelbases (where the distance between the inner front and rear truck mounting holes is) also contribute to more stability by keeping the board from flexing side to side when you’re riding, which can throw off your balance.
If you are beginner and looking to buy skateboard so you can visit our article on best skateboards for beginners.
Closing Thoughts
Skateboard and Longboards are both equally a type of sports equipment. Skateboards are small platforms with wheels that aids in movement, however longboards have larger decks and 4 to 8 smaller wheels.
The main differences between skateboard and longboard are the deck size, the number of wheels, and how they are used. In this article, we have explored a lot of details on these differences. Let us know how do you feel about these details in the comment section.